We Blog Too! This year is gonna be busy and I decided to star a blog??!! Erm why ? Haha

We Blog Too! This year is gonna be busy and I decided to star a blog??!! Erm why ? Haha

Behind the scenes at We Sew Too!

As we embark on a new year, I’m geared up for a whirlwind of sewing exhibitions and exciting opportunities. From planning new ventures to showcasing new designs, tools and sewing merchandise i’m all set to make this year an unforgettable one. I don’t know why i do these things maybe its just the way i was brought up to reach for new dizzy heights lol.

Sewing for Pleasure at the NEC:
One of the most highly anticipated events on my calendar is the upcoming Sewing for Pleasure exhibition at the NEC. This event brings together sewing enthusiasts from all walks of life to celebrate the art of stitching. We Sew Too will be hosting a proud lounge  sponsored by our lovely friends at Aurifil, where like-minded individuals can connect, exchange ideas, and find inspiration. Additionally, there will be a captivating catwalk show, Sew Proud, showcasing a diverse creativity of creations. It's an event that promises to be a feast for the eyes and a source of abundant creativity. Ive really wanted to do something like this for ages ! And finally it’s happening. I’m still forging ahead with the Boys sew Too movement too but this is as equally important within our sewing community ! 

If you know me I’m not one to rest on my laurels. I thrive on constantly pushing the boundaries and exploring new avenues in the world of sewing. This year, I have my  hands full with planning new and exciting opportunities for my sewing endeavours. From collaborations with others  to expanding my product line, I’m determined to take We Sew Too to new heights, the world maybe even mars haha. Who knows I might even apply for the great British sewing bee! Haha just kidding one of us has already done that! 

 Lets stay connected 
 I’m committed to keeping my followers and customers updated every step of the way. Through regular updates on social media platforms and the We Sew Too website, I will ensure that everyone stays informed about the latest news, events, and products. So, make sure to stay tuned and be a part of this very very busy year! It gonna go by fast i can feel it. stay focused, and keep sewing! That’s what I’ve got to keep telling myself haha ! there's always something extraordinary just around the corner. 

In the meantime let’s just take a second to just be still and breathe sometimes too ! That’s so important to all of our mental well being. 

If you got this far thanks for reading and hopefully i’ll see you all soon. And thanks for your continued support it really does mean the world to me. 

Warm hugs

Clive x ps this is what I’ll be wearing on the catwalk ! Modelled by by lovely Mimiquins Mannequin 

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